YaraMila NEW 18’s + SULPHUR

Image of YaraMila NEW 18’s + SULPHUR
YaraMila NEW 18’s + SULPHUR (18-14-13 + 6.3% SO3) is a compound NPKS fertiliser used as a general grassland fertiliser in addition to some cereal cropping as a base fertiliser. With Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash and Sulphur in every granule this product give the maximum return in investment by supplying the crop with all the nutrients it requires.
Yara fertiliser bags now contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic.
Only available in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Sulphur fertilisers: When spreading fertilisers containing sulphur it is recommended to regularly clean the spreader vanes using a rag with a 'WD40' type lubricant to avoid a build-up of deposits.


Sulphur fertilisers: When spreading fertilisers containing sulphur it is recommended to regularly clean the spreader vanes using a rag with a 'WD40' type lubricant to avoid a build-up of deposits.