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Grow the future | Grassland Sulphur Grow the future | Grassland Sulphur

Spreading nitrogen and sulphur at the same time means more grass

Applying fertilisers containing nitrogen and sulphur means the grass uses nitrogen more effectively, you get more kgs of dry matter per kg of nitrogen that you apply

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Search for grassland and forage crop information

Are you looking for information on grassland and forage crops? Start by choosing your crop.

Sowing forage brassicas this summer? You need to read this!

Are you looking to sow a forage brassica crop in August in a bid to keep livestock out grazing for longer, and so reduce your livestock feed and housing costs this winter? These crops can be economically established into stubble and then grazed from late autumn onwards. However, they might not fit into every system and site selection is crucial, especially when grazing them.

The nutrient requirements of either Forage Rape, Stubble Turnips or Rape/Kale hybrid crops are similar. They respond well to nitrogen and sulphur applications and good soil phosphate fertility. On fields with good (index 2) soil phosphate and potash fertility, we recommend 310 – 370 kg/ha (2½ - 3 cwt./acre) of YaraMila 52 S or YaraMila SILAGE BOOSTER broadcast onto the seedbed in one application. This will provide all the nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur these crops need to establish and maximise growth over a comparatively short growing period.

Brassica crops, also have a requirement for boron, and we recommend at least one foliar application of YaraVita Brassitrel Pro at a rate of 3 L/ha at the 4 – 6 leaf stage. This is a flowable liquid suspension fertiliser with a balanced combination of micronutrients including boron, manganese, magnesium and molybdenum for foliar application on forage brassicas.

Don’t delay sowing these crops, as research demonstrates that the yield of Forage Rape sown at the end of August is less than 30 % of that sown in the first week in August.

For more information search online for “Yara forage brassica”

Can you identify grassland nutrient deficiencies?

Identify and diagnose if your grassland is suffering from nutrient deficiencies and learn more about the symptoms and causes and how to control or correct the deficiency

Nitrogen deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency





Phosphorus deficiency
Phosphorus deficiency





Potassium deficiency
Potassium deficiency





Sulphur deficiency
Sulphur deficiency





Recent grassland webinars

Advice on managing fertiliser inputs on first cut silage crops this spring
Philip Cosgrave, Yara's Grassland Agronomist is joined by Nicola Ingram and Nigel Mills, Yara Area Managers for UK and Ireland, to discuss a range of topics to help inform farmers on how best to manage fertiliser applications this spring on silage crops.
Yara and CAFRE Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) - Update for fertiliser distributors
In this webinar Philip Cosgrave, Yara Grassland Agronomist and Aveen McMullan, Senior Agricultural Technologist at CAFRE provide an update on the Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) regulations relating to the use and application of inorganic fertilisers and an explanation of the requirement for fertilisation plans.
How to get healthy grass and happy cows
In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave is joined by Conrad Ferris from AFBI to talk about the planning behind a successful spring grassland nutrition strategy.
How to manage lime and fertiliser on a livestock farm
In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave of Yara and Kevin Havekes of Kilwaughter Lime collaborate to give an insight into how lime and fertiliser work hand in hand.
Grass, milk and robots - webinar
Our grassland agronomy expert Philip Cosgrave joins Cormac Garvey from Lely for this webinar to discuss grazing systems for robotic milking, grassland management and grassland nutrition management.
How manage grassland fertilisation in simple steps
In this webinar, Jon Telfer, Philip Cosgrave and Nigel Hester talk through the steps needed for successful grassland fertilisation.

Listen to the latest grassland podcasts

If you are short of time why not check out our bite-size podcasts for the latest thoughts on grassland nutrition.