Fertiliser calculators

A useful collection of calculators to compare the return on investment and margin over fertiliser when using different fertilisers.

Wheat N Response S Barley N ResponseValue of Grass Nitrate vs Urea NS vs Straight N Compound vs Blend Tropicote Benefit

Compound vs Blend comparison

How much cheaper does a blended fertiliser need to be to achieve the same margin as a compound fertiliser?

Compound vs Blend calculator

To begin please enter the required values

Yara Compound Fertiliser

Nutrient content (%)

Please Note: For main source in blend for the percent losses field for Urea please use 5% and for Can 3%.

Blended Fertiliser

Nutrient content (%)

Crop Details

Typical yield losses from using a blend instead of a compound fertiliser

Recent development work carried out by Yara investigated the segregation of nutrients that occurs as the hopper discharges during application. It was found that using inferior quality blended fertiliser led to yield reductions of up to 5% due to poor distribution of nutrients. Read more

Your results


Best Option

Compound Fertiliser

Amount of fertiliser applied

833 kg /ha

Amount of nitrogen applied

225 kg N /ha

Amount of phosphorus applied

42 kg P2O5 /ha

Amount of potassium applied

42 kg K2O /ha

Amount of sulphur applied

42 kg SO3 /ha

Cost of fertiliser applied

282 £ /ha

Expected crop yield

10 t/ha

Yield loss

0 t/ha

Actual crop yield

10 t/ha

Crop value

1650 £/ha

Margin over fertiliser ?

1368 £/ha

Best Option

Blended Fertiliser

Amount of fertiliser applied

900 kg /ha

Amount of nitrogen applied

225 kg N /ha

Amount of phosphorus applied

36 kg P2O5 /ha

Amount of potassium applied

36 kg K2O /ha

Amount of sulphur applied

45 kg SO3 /ha

Cost of fertiliser applied

270 £ /ha

Expected crop yield

10 t/ha

Yield loss due to blend

0.2 t/ha

Actual crop yield

9.8 t/ha

Crop value

1617 £/ha

Margin over fertiliser ?

1347 £/ha

To achieve the same margin as the compound fertiliser the price of blended fertiliser would need to be

276 £/t
results empty

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