Pears: SOIL APPLICATION: When vegetative growth begins apply 25-50 ml per tree depending on tree size. Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-4 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 lt/ha sprayed directly on developing leaves or buds before flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Peach: SOIL APPLICATION: When vegetative growth begins apply 25-50 ml per tree depending on tree size. Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-4 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 lt/ha sprayed directly on developing leaves or buds before flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Blackberry: SOIL APPLICATION Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-3 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. Foliar Application Apply 0.5-2 l/ha from start of new season leaf growth. Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid application during flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Grapes (wine): SOIL APPLICATION: When vegetative growth begins apply 25-50 ml per tree depending on tree size. Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-4 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 l/ha when vegetative growth begins. Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid application during flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Grapes (table): SOIL APPLICATION When vegetative growth begins, apply 25 ml/20 lt of water evenly beneath canopy for each small to medium sized tree. For larger trees over 9 m high use 50 ml/40 lt of water, OR, Apply 4 lt/ha along each side of the row of trees in an area about 1 m wide. If a drip irrigation system exists, apply at 2 lt/ha. Follow soil application with 1-2 foliar applications per label recommendations or repeat soil application after 4-6 weeks. FOLIAR APPLICATION Apply 1-2 lt/ha sprayed directly on developing leaves or buds before flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 lt/ha.
Blueberries: SOIL APPLICATION Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-3 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. Foliar Application Apply 0.5-2 l/ha from start of new season leaf growth. Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid application during flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Cereals: SOIL APPLICATION: Apply at planting to pre-emergence: Broadcast application at a rate of 2-5 lt/ha. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 lt/ha at tillering stage. Repeat application at beginning of stem elongation (BBCH 30-32) & at flag leaf stage (BBCH 39) as necessary. Minimum water volume: 200 lt/ha
Pears: SOIL APPLICATION: When vegetative growth begins apply 25-50 ml per tree depending on tree size. Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-4 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 lt/ha sprayed directly on developing leaves or buds before flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Peach: SOIL APPLICATION: When vegetative growth begins apply 25-50 ml per tree depending on tree size. Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-4 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 lt/ha sprayed directly on developing leaves or buds before flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Blackberry: SOIL APPLICATION Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-3 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. Foliar Application Apply 0.5-2 l/ha from start of new season leaf growth. Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid application during flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Grapes (wine): SOIL APPLICATION: When vegetative growth begins apply 25-50 ml per tree depending on tree size. Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-4 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 l/ha when vegetative growth begins. Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid application during flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Grapes (table): SOIL APPLICATION When vegetative growth begins, apply 25 ml/20 lt of water evenly beneath canopy for each small to medium sized tree. For larger trees over 9 m high use 50 ml/40 lt of water, OR, Apply 4 lt/ha along each side of the row of trees in an area about 1 m wide. If a drip irrigation system exists, apply at 2 lt/ha. Follow soil application with 1-2 foliar applications per label recommendations or repeat soil application after 4-6 weeks. FOLIAR APPLICATION Apply 1-2 lt/ha sprayed directly on developing leaves or buds before flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 lt/ha.
Blueberries: SOIL APPLICATION Drip irrigation: Apply 2-4 lt/ha every 2-3 weeks during the crop cycle starting when vegetative growth begins. Foliar Application Apply 0.5-2 l/ha from start of new season leaf growth. Repeat at 10-14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid application during flowering. Minimum water volume: 200 l/ha.
Cereals: SOIL APPLICATION: Apply at planting to pre-emergence: Broadcast application at a rate of 2-5 lt/ha. FOLIAR APPLICATION: Apply 1-2 lt/ha at tillering stage. Repeat application at beginning of stem elongation (BBCH 30-32) & at flag leaf stage (BBCH 39) as necessary. Minimum water volume: 200 lt/ha